The main event of Adirondack Wild during its fiscal year (July 1st – June 30th) is our Annual Membership Meeting. It is open to all, not just to members.
We meet in various communities throughout the Adirondack Park, usually in the early Fall.
It’s a time to gather with friends, old and new, to share and to learn about what we’re doing and a time to listen to what you are thinking and concerned about.
At each meeting our main program features a specific topic with invited speakers and/or a panel of experts in their field of endeavor to help contribute various perspectives and thoughts to stimulate our thinking and our individual and collective actions.
And it is time that we present our two major awards to deserving and inspiring individuals that epitomize the wilderness and wildland values and principals that we value – the Paul Schaefer Wilderness Award and the Wild Stewardship Award.
We hope one day you will join us amongst kindred wild friends.