Adirondack Wild’s 11th Annual Membership Meeting
Friday, September 24, 2021 – 1:00 – 3:00 PM
Tannery Pond Community Center, 228 Main Street, North Creek, NY
Our meeting features guest speakers Chad Dawson, Adirondack Wild Board member and former APA member, and Andrea Hogan, current APA Member and Town Supervisor of Johnsburg.
Our focus will be on the current state of the Adirondack Park Agency at 50 Years (1971-2021) and reimagining the APA in the Next 50 Years.
The Adirondack Park Agency Act was a bold plan born in 1971 with considerable thought, vision, controversy, and hope for the future. Now we are 50 years into that future and the APA may be in a much less hopeful place.
How do we respond today and refocus on the promise and vision of the APA Act in the future?
Come and join the discussion and help celebrate award recipients of our Paul Schaefer Wilderness Award to both Walt Linck and Rick Weber, and our Wild Stewardship Award to Martha Swan, founder, John Brown Lives!
Our meeting is FREE and open for you and your friends.
To attend: face masks and social distancing will be required.
Thank you for coming to North Creek and being on the Wild’s Side with us!