30 x 30 Draft Strategies

August 12, 2024 Sean Mahar, Acting CommissionerNYS Department of Environmental Conservation625 BroadwayAlbany, NY 12233 30 x 30 Draft Strategies The New York State Draft Strategies and Methods for Conserving Thirty Percent of New York Lands and Waters by 2030 (hereafter “30 x 30”), introduced in early July 2024, is an outstanding first step in an…

Group letter to DEC Re. USL Marina Application

June 20, 2024 Sean Mahar, Acting CommissionerNYS Department of Environmental Conservation625 BroadwayAlbany, NY 12233 Group letter to DEC Re. USL Marina Application – Lower Fish Creek Pond Re. USL Marina application 5-1652-00216/00003, Lower Fish Creek Pond, Town of Santa Clara Dear Acting Commissioner Mahar, For the reasons stated below, our organizations believe the USL Marina…

Letter to APA Re. USL Marin

APril 18, 2024 The Honorable Kathy HochulGovernor of New York StateNYS State Capitol BuildingAlbany, NY 12224 Letter to APA Re. USL Marin Dear Mr. Burth, Adirondack Wild: Friends of the Forest Preserve is very concerned about the size and scope of the proposed USL Marina on Lower Fish Creek Pond (APA Project No. 2022-0218) in…

Timbuctoo sign on budget letter FY24-25

March 29, 2024 The Honorable Kathy HochulGovernor of New York StateNYS State Capitol BuildingAlbany, NY 12224 Timbuctoo sign on budget letter FY24-25 Dear Governor Hochul, The undersigned organizations urge you to include $2,100,000 in the final approved FY25 budget for the Timbuctoo Summer Climate and Careers Institute. The Timbuctoo Summer Climate and Careers Institute (Timbuctoo…

APA nominations – Strengthen the make-up of the APA 

March 28, 2024 The Honorable Kathy HochulGovernor of New York StateNYS State Capitol BuildingAlbany, NY 12224 APA nominations – Strengthen the make-up of the APA  Dear Governor Hochul: Adirondack Wild: Friends of the Forest Preserve calls upon your administration to strengthen the make-up of the Adirondack Park Agency. We ask that you nominate individuals who…

The Harmful Algal Bloom Monitoring and Prevention Act

Memorandum of Support S. 8356 (Senator May)/A. 8867 (Assemblymember Kelles) The Harmful Algal Bloom Monitoring and Prevention Act This legislation will establish a clearinghouse of comprehensive information about Harmful Algal Blooms (HAB) on waterbodies in New York and requires eventual DEC regulations to prevent the spread of HABs on our waterbodies. Harmful algal blooms pose…

Executive Budget for the Environment FY 2024-25

Statement to the New York State LegislatureConcerning the Executive Budget for the EnvironmentFeb 2, 2024 To: Senator Krueger, Assemblywoman Weinstein and all Members of the Joint Senate Finance and Assembly Ways and Means Committee Public Hearing Re. Executive Budget for the Environment for FY 2024-25 Respectfully, Adirondack Wild issues the following budget and policy recommendations:Department…

Letter to NYS Assembly – Seeking to sunset the NYCO amendment of 2013

Hon. Deborah Glick, ChairEnvironmental Conservation CommitteeNYS AssemblyRm 625 LOBAlbany, NY 12248                                                                                                                                               Hon. Pete Harckham, ChairEnvironmental Conservation CommitteeNYS SenateRoom 315, LOBAlbany, NY 12247 Dear Assemblywoman Glick, and Senator Harckham, We write to request that you consider passage of a constitutional amendment to rectify an open-ended threat to one of the premiere wilderness areas in the Adirondack…